At times when I’ve applied to work at places, employers will often come back an ask me if I would care to design a sample or test they have. Often they will be nice enough to pay for this time or contribute it towards your hire pay. These two are both from company challenges.
The Fordela project needed a 24 hour turn around and had to show the benefits between different projects. I wound up creating a theme idea based around their template and included a jQuery slider with drop down panel. The inner panel featured service icons and the slide down contained the name of the package deal.
[button link=”” text=”grey” window=”yes”]Fordela Web Test[/button]
Serena & Lily
The web department at Serena & Lily asked me to come in one day and create their web page plus a few extra items. They wanted some level of magnification dynamically of their products, and also wanted to include a fade up link containing separate pages in a list. Using jQuery implemented tool tip for magnification on pillows, and with javascript created an accordion to contain individual categories on the right.
[button link=”” text=”grey” window=”yes”]Serena & Lily Site[/button]