My last post about Illustrated Characters has attracted some viewers to email me an ask about conception of some of the characters an scenery I choose. In particularly the flowers, mushrooms, and star. Well when I was in college back of 2008 I purchased an album of one of my favorite music artist, on the cover was this bear who was dressed in sort of pop culture apparel, and blasted into the sky! The imagery told a story an presented characters that made you wonder more, through out the inner book the story told more, and soon would become a music video.

The artist of the album cover was Takashi Murakami. Takashi Murakami could be considered the Andy Warhol of today for the Japanese modern art movement. His self titled “superflat” and “monogram” style is both pop an modern. Murakami’s work is more famously known for the Louis Vuitton design work he did. Above is an animated video of Murakami’s work, check it out and let me know your thoughts.

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